SpringDollFestival in Münster 2016


it is been a WHILE since I came back from two doll exhibitions in Germany.  And only now I think I can scrap a little time to tell you about it 🙂

It was my first time and first attempt to take part in such events…and let me tell you…IT WAS GREAT!!!!!

But first things first. In this post I’ll tell you about Spring Doll Festival in Muenster, Germany. Next post will be devoted to my participation in the Max-Oscar-Arnold-Award for Contemporary Doll Art in the city of Neustadt bei Coburg 🙂


The Spring Doll Festival was an event 2 in 1 so to say: an exhibition/salesroom and a doll contest for an award AMALIA, organized by a Puppen&Spielzeug doll magazine.

The contest theme was Flower Power. I am so happy that my doll received one of AMALIA awards :))!!



Hier is my table with the dolls..


You could see all kinds of dolls and toys at the exhibition. It was a wonderful experience for me. I have met so many talented artists, some of them I knew from social medias like Instagram and wanted to meet them in person for a long time 🙂

like a wonderful doll artist Anna Linberger – GCDoll

or Marina Demchenko..

or Viktoria Fribus..

And there was a magnificent Hildegard Günzel! I have been admiring her magical dolls for such a long time, having all her books and never even thinking about meeting the artist someday.. Well .. it happened in Münster 🙂 And Frau Günzel and her art dolls are more then you can imaging looking at the book photos! One of the nicest and positive persons I have ever met.. She is just GREAT! I am solo grateful for this experience ..

And here is Frau Günzel with my porcelain doll Lisa! :)) I can not believe myself that it happened!!


The two days in Münster were really full of experience and super interesting meetings with the visitors and great coming-together with the other doll artists.

I can not post here all the photos I’ve made of all kinds of dolls presented there. I will probably do it on my Flickr account, if you are interested 😉

I would like to finish for today with this photo..Like it so much!

People like dolls, dolls like people 🙂


Me with my little Tiger and Anna Linberger- Gentle Creation Doll meeting Cosplay People (I think this is the right word 😉

Stay tuned 🙂


Working on new porcelain dolls


Finally after many weeks of almost non-stopping winter illnesses, that my son kept bringing from the nursery, I’ve started working on new dolls!

This is a porcelain pouring stage:

After few days of conditioning the porcelain slip, pouring it into gips forms, being frustrated because of the pouring lines on the fresh doll parts, waiting 8 hours for the gips forms to be dry again, and pouring again.. , and carefully getting those parts out of the forms, and cutting the holes for the later stringing of the doll, and constantly washing the pouring jugs and stirring sticks and trying to keep the chaos in our kitchen in some borders…for approximately a week…I finely got about enough parts for (hopefully) three dolls!

Oh, and my back… Well, I am really sorry! I promise to buy you a voucher for a massage… 😉

After couple of days of drying the castings, I soft-fired them and proceeded to the wet cleaning stage.


The stage will last for some time.. 😉 But, I hope to update the information soon 🙂

In the meantime – back to the greenware cleaning!

Meet my Red Riding Hood


I am happy to present my second porcelain ball-jointed doll – Red Riding Hood.

I am very happy with how she came out. She is my second doll of five with glass eyes edition.

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I had an idea to make a Red Riding Hood Doll about a week before Halloween. I had an image in my head of her, standing in the forest not far from our haus and my little son should have worn a wolf mask, sitting next to the doll on the photo. It was a vision and a plan, BUT…too little time to accomplish. The mask was made at first, then it came to the clothes for the doll – and it took a waaaay too long to finish it. Soo.. many weeks after Halloween, actually after New Year Party of 2016, I AM happy to present my version of Red Riding Hood to you. 🙂

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And here are some photos in the woods..

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I hope you like her.

The doll is on the ebay:


Thank you 🙂

My first Porcelain Ball-Jointed Doll Maria


I can’t wait to show my first Full-Set Porcelain Ball-Jointed Doll, completely hand-crafted by me!

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Her Mold Name is Maria. There is going to be only 10 dolls with this mold, 5 dolls with painted eyes and 5 dolls with glass eyes. So, the edition is extremely limited.

This doll is the first of five dolls with painted eyes edition.

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Her height is 14,37” (36,5 cm). She is made from high quality bisque porcelain. Face painting and body blushing are made with several layers of china paints. China paint will never fade, it is scratch resistant.The joints are lined with high quality leather. The doll is assembled with hooks, swivels, high quality steel springs and dll tension rubber. I went for combining steel springs and rubber in my dolls, as I find it suitable for my dolls. I’ve tried to use only steel springs, but I didn’t like the tension and the range of the movement of the joints. The rubber, in my opinion, gives a possibility of more soft and human-like movements of the joints. But it is probably not a final solution, I am still experimenting.  

The doll has a removable natural mohair wig on the magnetic silicon cap.

This is a Full Set Doll. It means she will come with everything you see on the photos: corset, panties, stockings, slippers, ball rock, jacket, earrings, bead necklace, armband and hairband – everything is hand-crafted by me with lots of love to details.

Included also a hand-made doll box, doll stand, certificate and doll booklet.

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I hope you will like my first dream doll, as I do.

For those of you, who would like to give Maria a new loving home, she is on the ebay:
